Sunday, December 31, 2006

Flocking New Year!

Through flickr I just found an awesome new web browser, flock. It has a lot of cool features that I like. It RSS's within the browser, I know other browsers do that, but not in a great way. Flock RSS's like Bloglines, which I have been using for a while. Flock won't change my using Bloglines, because I'll keep the Bloglines going, and use the Flock RSS for a different catagory of blogs.
One thing I love about Flock is it connects to flickr right in the window, like part of the address bar. You can turn it off and on (and it also will link to PhotoBucket, which I've never used, so don't know much about) and see several photos from all your contacts, or just the newest public photos.
Oh, by the way, I just went PRO on flickr, part of my xmas present, so I'm all over it. Especially now that I'm back at my own desk and my own keyboard.
I haven't figured out all the cool parts of Flock yet, I just found it last night. I know it could be just infatuation, like I sometimes get with new web sites or web tools, but I think this one is really a keeper. It combines some of the things that I couldn't do with Safari (and used to be able to do on the pc), with some great new fun things. It works awesome on my sunflower iMac.
So everyone, for the new year: Go Flock Yourself!!


Remember the old saying that death comes in threes? Maybe it's an old wives' tale, I've heard it from many old wives.
I was just thinking that it's interesting how, James Brown, Gerald Ford, and Saddam Husain will all be linked together in death, having all died the same week. Strange trio.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Crappy Birthday

It's always jarring to wake up realizing you are already late, especially on your birthday! (Yesterday was mine) Out of three of us who should all set and wake up to alarms, somehow we all didn't get ours set. So it was emergency mode first thing. It worked out ok, and I wasn't late for my third day of my new job.
My new boss is, among other postive adjectives, sweet. There was a 'welcome' present and card on my desk the first day, the second day there was a Christmas present on all of our desks, and yesterday she was disappointed that she hadn't known ahead of time that it was my birthday. So I wouldn't be surprised if there is another card and/or gift today. That was one of the shining spots in a rough day.
The day wasn't that terrible, just rough getting going like that. And I had a couple disappointments, but they were mostly silly. One of the shining spots in my day was the guitar shred threat down on Colbert Report. It was soooo funny when it took him a little while to get the 'blood' on his hands. The whole thing was funny. So I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Last Day

Tomorrow is my last day in my old job. I have 5 boxes of work crap packed, and I brought home two grocery sacks of crap that needed to come home. I am so over the old job. Time to move on.
My current (for just one more day!) supervisor had the choice of how long to keep me. Of course, two weeks is the tradition, and if it was a new job outside the same place, you would always give those two weeks. But since this was the same department, it was up to my current boss to decide how long I had to stay. She wanted the whole two weeks from me. That is fine and fair. But really, I wouldn't have had to stay that long, if she would have given me up. (She even joked about chaining me to my chair)
I have done everything I needed to do, as far as teaching the other girls how to do what I do, in one week. I could have done it in a day if I had to. So this week I have been 'helping' them. Mostly already out of the loop.
I'm ready to move on. And get to the good and the bad of the new situation. Just tired of having to hang out for two weeks.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I just got a better job in the same (for lack of a better word) department of the part of the state government I work in. I'm going from basically a secretary to a mid-level paper-pusher. I'm jumping several pay catagories. This is more where my experience and knowledge would be valued. I was under-employed for the last 2 1/2 years. I am very excited for this move. I am tired of answering phones, opening mail, and taking everyone's shit.
I think I am in an interesting position right now, being that I was one of the receptionists for a long while, and treated as such. It will be interesting to see how people treat me, in my move. I am so thankful that some people, like the ones doing interviews, can see past a current position, to the actual value of an employee.
In all fairness, the goofs who have treated me like crap thier servent didn't have my resume in front of them when they did so. I will wipe the slate clean, and give everyone a new chance. And I'm interested to see who gives me a new chance.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lost and Spirituality

Based on the title of this post, it seems it might be a post for the television blog. But this post is more on the subject of spirituality, and the show Lost just happened to play into this topic.
I watch very little television on weeknights. We have the TiVo capturing what we really want to watch, and I don't want the kids to get distracted. Most other school years, the kids have watched 1/2 hour to 1 hour after supper, this year except for Friday nights, the tv isn't being turned on. (They still watch after school, that's their free time)
So the shows I watch are on the TiVo, and me and my guy watch our shows on the weekends. All this is background for the point of this post.
Last Thursday, a work friend who also watches Lost started to ask me what I thought of the show. I told her I hadn't seen it yet, and explained our TiVo situation. She was very excited with her new theory on the show, and still wanted to tell me her thoughts without spilling what was on the show. That's great by me. Now, she's not one to be reading a lot of blogs about her favorite shows, as is evident by her 'new' thoery that the island is some waiting point after death, the trials the plane crash victims are going through are determining where they will go. And even the title of the show is meant as a clue to the spirituality behind it. (I like to see people excited about their shows and their theories, and I didn't tell her that other people have already thought of that) It's a good thoughtful theory, no matter who thought of it first.
So my point, and ponderance of the week, here is that after she told me her theory, she said she had only told me because she knew I was a "spiritual person" and I'd understand.
This is the part that has me pondering. I am a spiritual person, but she and I have never talked about spirituality. The closest we've ever gotten to the subject was that she attends the same church as my grandmother. How did she 'know' that I am spiritual? And does she realize that her definition of 'spiritual' is probably very different from mine. Does she get some 'vibe' from me that I'm on that wave-lenght? Is she basing her presumption on my work ethic and how I deal with people?
This is the thing that's makin' me go 'hmmm' this weeek.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Me & My Blogs: Part 6

So now I have basicly 4 blogs, three very specific and this one to dump in whatever else I want to say. I was posting fairly often on the other three, whenever the spirit moved me. But I wasn't getting around to this blog, I was posting more on one blog one week, heavy posting on another on a different week, it wasn't balanced. So I figured out a plan.
Here is a little secret about me, in case you didn't know, I'm a little anal/OCD/rules-oriented, I like to plan and list. So here's what I figured out: I could post on the three topic blogs twice a week, and on this one once a week. I set up goals on Joe's Goals to help me remember when to post on which one. Monday and Thursday are for the tv blog, Tuesday and Friday I post to the food/recipe blog, I update the project blog on Wednesday and Saturday, leaving Sunday for this one.
I know. I'm insane.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Me & My Blogs: Part 5

In May 2006, just a few months ago, I really hit on the idea I was looking for and I started a very specific blog: My Techincolor Addiction about my television veiwing and reviews. Note I went back with the Technicolor theme, which I love. ;p
I decided, and I hope this is true, that people might not come back and visit a blog that is all-over-the-place, unless they had a personal connection, either they know the person, or they connect with the writer on enough different things, but if the blog is in a certain niche, and the reader has an interest in same niche, they will come back often.
My Techincolor Addiction started in May 2006, and has had well over 1000 visitors so far. That shows me that my 'niche blog' idea is working. I revitalized the food blog, which even when I wasn't posting, was getting hits. People love recipes! My third of my 'niche blogs' is the project blog, probalby the one I'm most proud of: See Shell's Schemes, which features my projects, past and present. This one is still finding it's audience, but I'm pimpin' it all over. Interestingly, I started the project blog on June 20, 2006, four years to the day after starting my origional blog.
Last but not least is this little blog. This is my rambling blog. Where I say things that won't fit in the other three. The one that no one will read, but that's ok. (That way I can make little inside jokes)
Next up, blog-wise, Surprising Shell, outlining everytime I got startled or surprised throughout the day, What I think of You where I give my opinions of all I meet, and Our BM Log, the name should say it all.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Me & My Blogs: Part 4

Or A Dip in Memory Lane:
So my first blog, Technicolor Day was about anything and everything going on in my life. Very boring blog at first, I must say, blogging about bumper stickers and what I was watching, quotes, bad sites, and other such crap.
Later, I rambled about projects I was working on, goals I was workng toward, games I was playing, and more tv. I wanted to be read by more than myself and a handful of others, and wondered how to make my blog more interesting.
On a whim, after recieving a breadmaker as a gift in December 2004, I started a very specific blog: It's a Breadmaker, Thanks!. It was the beginning of me seperating my one blog into several specific blogs, but it may have been too specific, as the first six months, I only posted about using the breadmaker (now it's a full-fledged food/recipe blog).
These last couple years, the Techinicolor Day blog saw much less posting, including posting about maybe quitting blogging alltogether. And I started to work with iLife, making a more family blog there. (e-mail me if you want that link)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Me & My Blogs: Part 3

My first blog came to be named Technicolor Day. I guess now is as good of a time as any to explain my whole name thing.
My parents named me Michelle Renee (with a little French thingy over the second e), but I was always "Shelly". My mom explained to me that she wanted me to have an 'official sounding name' if I ever wanted to be a doctor or lawyer or something. Good call, mom, I know or have heard of plenty of silly sounding named people trying to be taken seriously. I however, have never found it difficult to be taken seriously as Shelly or Shell (or even shells), but I think it's cool to have a bonus name. Especially with a great Beatles song, and a cool French middle name. Anyway, I digress...
In my college broadcasting career, I saw that most of the DJ's didn't use their real name. At times, I think it was from embarrassment over actually being on the college radio station for some, but also for privacy. So I went about thinking up my 'radio name'. One of the other gals used her middle name as her first name, and made up a fake last name (in some states she still goes by this alias), so that got me thinking about using my cool middle name. So I switched my middle and first names, with a slight twist on my first name to make a 'real' sounding last name, and viola! Renee Mitchels was born.
I have always played around with the color of my hair, and more so in the college years, so it was likely at this time to see me in different hair colors every month, or even week. At one point, someone (and the very cool part is that I'm pretty sure it was The G, my good friend in college, my BFF and life partner now) introduced me as "Renee Mitchels, Your Technicolor DJ". I loved it! I always used the whole phrase after that.
Fast forward...Me trying to come up with a name for my new blog...thinking back to college days and cool radio names...I thought at first that I wanted to sign my posts with "Renee Mitchels, Your Technicolor Blogger". But playing around with the whole technicolor theme, I decided my blog would be named "In Technicolor". It would be like a 70's sitcom (which my life often is) and they proudly, and often musically, announced the show was "in Technicolor". I thought that would be cool.
Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men or some such. The name was taken. Thinking fast, I temporarily, or so I though, changed it to Technicolor Day. My few fellow bloggers that I shared my name delema with, all agreed they liked that name better. So it stuck.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Me & My Blogs: Part 2

In the beginning, I tried Blogger, and it was good.
Seriously, though, I tried several other free blog services, and I emphasize free, I hate to pay for any blogging things, I'm just frugal that way, and I still occasionally try out the latest-and-greatest blog service, but I always stick with Blogger. I used their blog-spot for hosting at first, but this was a long time ago, when they didn't host your blog pictures for you, so I did at one point switch to ftp-ing it to my own space, when my uncle gave me some free space. When Blogger started hosting our pictures, I did come back to the blog-spot hosting. Oh, there were some other features, I don't even remember now, but you could only get them with Blogger Pro, and as I said, I don't want to pay for blogging things, so I was extremely glad when they offed the Pro feature, and gave all of us those features.
One tip on the hosting of pictures. If you don't have or don't want to use other picture hosting, and you want to put some buttons or pictures (or even a new template) on your Blogger page, but not as a blog post, you can still upload the picture as if you were going to put it in a post, then just copy and paste it where you want it.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Me & My Blogs: Part 1

I started blogging in 2002. My man and I were dating long distance, we had really just begun dating at that point, let's see...we started dating October of 2001, and I started blogging in the summer of 2002. I had heard about blogging before that, from various sources, had read a few blogs, but not on a regular basis, and had some interest. He had recently started a blog, and one of his best friends had been maintaining a blog for a few years before that. My guy had, he told me, published a newsletter of sorts when the internet was a baby, and was going to blog now in that same tradition. I'll be honest, I started the whole blog thing because he did. But not directly because he did. As I said, we were long distance, and we had tried the late night IM's &/or phone calls, but they just didn't work for us who had to get up in the morning. Reading his blog made me think that this would be a good way for us to communicate with each other. Plus I had hopes of maybe other people reading it too, so I started a blog.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What's it all about, Alfie

So this little blog is my last in line blog, and tends to get left behind. I post something to my other blogs every other day or so, and by the time I'm ready to post something here, it's time for me to do something else, or I just have run out of steam. But this blog is for me. My say whatever, do whatever, kiss my arse if you don't like it, I'm not going to censor myself blog. That being said, I have nothing to say today. ;p

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Tom Noddy's Bubble Magic

I love bubbles. When I was in college I saw this comedian do this bubble bit, and I repeated it at every chance. I would still blow square bubbles now, but I don't smoke anymore.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Good Morning, Good Morning

On a special day for me, I begin this blog. I dub thee: "I Feel Fine" because that was the song (by the Beatles) that was #1 in America and the UK on the day of my birth. I know this because I found this site.

  • 1) What is the song that was #1 the day YOU were born?
  • 2) What day was I born?