Sunday, August 20, 2006

Me & My Blogs: Part 6

So now I have basicly 4 blogs, three very specific and this one to dump in whatever else I want to say. I was posting fairly often on the other three, whenever the spirit moved me. But I wasn't getting around to this blog, I was posting more on one blog one week, heavy posting on another on a different week, it wasn't balanced. So I figured out a plan.
Here is a little secret about me, in case you didn't know, I'm a little anal/OCD/rules-oriented, I like to plan and list. So here's what I figured out: I could post on the three topic blogs twice a week, and on this one once a week. I set up goals on Joe's Goals to help me remember when to post on which one. Monday and Thursday are for the tv blog, Tuesday and Friday I post to the food/recipe blog, I update the project blog on Wednesday and Saturday, leaving Sunday for this one.
I know. I'm insane.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Me & My Blogs: Part 5

In May 2006, just a few months ago, I really hit on the idea I was looking for and I started a very specific blog: My Techincolor Addiction about my television veiwing and reviews. Note I went back with the Technicolor theme, which I love. ;p
I decided, and I hope this is true, that people might not come back and visit a blog that is all-over-the-place, unless they had a personal connection, either they know the person, or they connect with the writer on enough different things, but if the blog is in a certain niche, and the reader has an interest in same niche, they will come back often.
My Techincolor Addiction started in May 2006, and has had well over 1000 visitors so far. That shows me that my 'niche blog' idea is working. I revitalized the food blog, which even when I wasn't posting, was getting hits. People love recipes! My third of my 'niche blogs' is the project blog, probalby the one I'm most proud of: See Shell's Schemes, which features my projects, past and present. This one is still finding it's audience, but I'm pimpin' it all over. Interestingly, I started the project blog on June 20, 2006, four years to the day after starting my origional blog.
Last but not least is this little blog. This is my rambling blog. Where I say things that won't fit in the other three. The one that no one will read, but that's ok. (That way I can make little inside jokes)
Next up, blog-wise, Surprising Shell, outlining everytime I got startled or surprised throughout the day, What I think of You where I give my opinions of all I meet, and Our BM Log, the name should say it all.