Thursday, December 07, 2006


I just got a better job in the same (for lack of a better word) department of the part of the state government I work in. I'm going from basically a secretary to a mid-level paper-pusher. I'm jumping several pay catagories. This is more where my experience and knowledge would be valued. I was under-employed for the last 2 1/2 years. I am very excited for this move. I am tired of answering phones, opening mail, and taking everyone's shit.
I think I am in an interesting position right now, being that I was one of the receptionists for a long while, and treated as such. It will be interesting to see how people treat me, in my move. I am so thankful that some people, like the ones doing interviews, can see past a current position, to the actual value of an employee.
In all fairness, the goofs who have treated me like crap thier servent didn't have my resume in front of them when they did so. I will wipe the slate clean, and give everyone a new chance. And I'm interested to see who gives me a new chance.

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