(Read the title in a Mr. T voice-it's not meant to be rude)
Happy April. Wow. Sometimes April really seems exciting, reaching it, I guess I mean. It usually signifies that spring is really here, we probably won't have any more snow, we can start gardening soon, some flowers are already up, and we can make definate plans for summer. Sometimes in March, it still seems like summer will never get here.
We had such a weird winter here. So mild at the beginning, we didn't even see snow at all until I think it was New Year's Day or New Year's Eve. We broke high temperature records in November and December. We thought we might go all winter with no snow, especially since the last couple winters were so mild. But when it started to snow, it kept snowing! I love snow (and I took lots of snow pictures), but this snow came with bitter, and I mean BITTER cold temps. So that's all over now! It's actually April!!
I hope the weather is beautiful in your neck of the woods!